
usage: oauthsub [-h] [--dump-config] [-v] [-l {debug,info,warning,error}]
                [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-s {flask,gevent,twisted}]
                [--rooturl ROOTURL] [--flask-debug [FLASK_DEBUG]]
                [--flask-privkey FLASK_PRIVKEY]
                [--response-header RESPONSE_HEADER]
                [--allowed-domains [ALLOWED_DOMAINS [ALLOWED_DOMAINS ...]]]
                [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--logdir LOGDIR]
                [--route-prefix ROUTE_PREFIX]
                [--session-key-prefix SESSION_KEY_PREFIX]
                [--bypass-key BYPASS_KEY] [--custom-template CUSTOM_TEMPLATE]
                [--enable-forbidden [ENABLE_FORBIDDEN]]

This lightweight web service performs authentication. All requests that reach
this service should be proxied through nginx. See:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dump-config         Dump configuration and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -l {debug,info,warning,error}, --log-level {debug,info,warning,error}
                        Increase log level to include info/debug
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        use a configuration file
  -s {flask,gevent,twisted}, --server {flask,gevent,twisted}
                        Which WGSI server to use
  --rooturl ROOTURL     The root URL for browser redirects
  --flask-debug [FLASK_DEBUG]
                        Enable flask debugging for testing
  --flask-privkey FLASK_PRIVKEY
                        Secret key used to sign cookies
  --response-header RESPONSE_HEADER
                        If specified, the authenticated user's ``username``
                        will be passed as a response header with this key.
  --allowed-domains [ALLOWED_DOMAINS [ALLOWED_DOMAINS ...]]
                        List of domains that we allow in the `hd` field of
                        thegoogle response. Set this to your company gsuite
  --host HOST           The address to listening on
  --port PORT           The port to listen on
  --logdir LOGDIR       Directory where we store resource files
  --route-prefix ROUTE_PREFIX
                        All flask routes (endpoints) are prefixed with this
  --session-key-prefix SESSION_KEY_PREFIX
                        All session keys are prefixed with this
  --bypass-key BYPASS_KEY
                        Secret string which can be used to bypass
                        authorization if provided in an HTTP header
  --custom-template CUSTOM_TEMPLATE
                        Path to custom jinja template
  --enable-forbidden [ENABLE_FORBIDDEN]
                        If true, enables the /forbidden endpoint, to which you
                        can redirect 401 errors from your reverse proxy. This
                        page is a simple message with active template but
                        includes login links that will redirect back to the
                        forbidden page after a successful auth.


oauthsub is configurable through a configuration file in python (the file is exec``ed). Each configuration variable can also be specified on the command line (use ``oauthsub --help to see a list of options). If you’d like to dump a configuration file containing default values use:

oauthsub --dump-config

Which outputs something like:

.. dynamic: config-begin
# The root URL for browser redirects
rooturl = 'http://localhost'

# Enable flask debugging for testing
flask_debug = False

# Secret key used to sign cookies
flask_privkey = 'KALJE0Unas2dd8ao3p/T55htwbL5RrKX'

# If specified, the authenticated user's ``username`` will be passed as a
# response header with this key.
response_header = None

# List of domains that we allow in the `hd` field of thegoogle response. Set
# this to your company gsuite domains.
allowed_domains = ['']

# The address to listening on
host = ''

# The port to listen on
port = 8081

# Directory where we store resource files
logdir = '/tmp/oauthsub/logs'

# Flask configuration options. Set session config here.
flaskopt = {
  "SESSION_FILE_DIR": "/tmp/oauthsub/session_data",
  "SESSION_TYPE": "filesystem"

# All flask routes (endpoints) are prefixed with this
route_prefix = '/auth'

# All session keys are prefixed with this
session_key_prefix = 'oauthsub-'

# Secret string which can be used to bypass authorization if provided in an HTTP
# header `X-OAuthSub-Bypass`
bypass_key = None

# Dictionary mapping oauth privider names to the client secrets for that
# provider.
client_secrets = {}

# Path to custom jinja template
custom_template = None

# If true, enables the /forbidden endpoint, to which you can redirect 401 errors
# from your reverse proxy. This page is a simple message  with active template
# but includes login links that will redirect back to the forbidden page after a
# successful auth.
enable_forbidden = True

# Which WGSI server to use (flask, gevent, twisted)
server = 'flask'

# This is not used internally, but is used to implement our user lookup
# callback below
_user_map = {
    "": "alice",
    "": "bob"

# This is a callback used to lookup the user identity based on the credentials
# provided by the authenticator.
def user_lookup(authenticator, parsed_response):
  if authenticator.type == "GOOGLE":
    # Could also use `id` to lookup based on google user id
    return _user_map.get(parsed_response.get("email"))

  return None